How Do I Edit Location Information?

The majority of location details can be edited from the Merchant Portal, such as store hours, order ahead availability and delivery zone updates.

  1. In the sidebar, click on SETTINGS then LOCATIONS
  2. Click on the applicable location or search for the location you’d like to edit
  3. Click anywhere on the row to view the location’s details page
  4. The sections that can be edited include BUSINESS INFORMATION, ADDRESS & DETAILS, HOURS including location hours and ordering hours and finally DELIVERY ZONES if you are fulfilling your own deliveries. 
  5. If integrated with a 3rd party partner for delivery, the zones will adhere to their delivery parameters and should not be edited. 
  6. Once you have made the necessary edits, click SAVE to confirm or CANCEL if you’ve changed your mind. 
  7. If you wish to remove a location from showing on your app or web ordering platform, simply toggle off ORDER AHEAD, DELIVERY & BUSINESS LOCATION IS ACTIVE.

Read more: How do I create a new location?

Check out this video tutorial: