Understanding Billing and Your Invoice

How does it work?

Smooth Commerce is a subscription-based service. Invoices are issued at the beginning of every month for the previous month. Your invoices will be automatically settled within 10 business days of the date of the invoice using the account provided at the time of sign-up.

What was I charged for?

Note: Please refer to the ‘Your Investment’ section of your agreement with Smooth Commerce to see a full breakdown of your pricing.

You may see any of the below items on your invoice:

Recurring fees:

App Setup & Configuration - Financing: These are the monthly payments associated with the development of your web and/or app platforms - referred to as Implementation Fees in your agreement.

Platform Licence: These are the monthly fees associated with using the Smooth Commerce platform.

Transaction Fees: These are variable monthly fees based on the volume of transactions processed using the Smooth Commerce platform.

One-time fees:

Hardware: These are one-time fees for tablets and/or printers ordered through Smooth Commerce.

Location Setup Fee: These are one-time setup fees for new locations onboarded onto the Smooth Commerce platform.

Why did my transaction fees change so much this month?

Your transaction fees charge is based on the monthly volume of transactions processed using the Smooth Commerce platform. Please refer to your agreement for your specific per-transaction fee. 

How to determine total transactions for the billing period:

  1. In the sidebar, click "Dashboard," then "Transactions."
  2. Select the location or locations you would like to see data for. 
  3. Increase the Time Period to “Past 12 Months”
  4. In the "Transaction" graph, hover over the blue point of the desired month. You will see the number of transactions for that period. You can also hover over the grey point of that month to see the number of transactions for the previous year.

How to determine total sales for the billing period

  1. In the sidebar, click "Dashboard," then "Transactions."
  2. Select the location or locations you would like to see data for.
  3. Increase the Time period to “Past 12 Months”
  4. In the "Sales" graph, hover over the blue point of the desired month. You will see the amount of sales for that period. You can also hover over the grey point of that month to see the number of sales for the previous year.

Please note that there may be very slight differences between the volumes you see in the Portal versus what is billed. This is due to various factors such as timing differences and refunded transactions.

How can I update my billing information?

Please let us know at accounting@smooth.tech and our Billing team will help you update your billing information.

What if I have other questions about billing?

Feel free to contact us at accounting@smooth.tech and our Billing team will be happy to assist you.