How to Close a Location

Closing a location requires two steps to be followed prior to contacting Smooth.  

Step 1: Make the business location inactive in the Merchant Portal. It is important that this is done on the merchant side so that it is done at the exact day and time the location would like to stop receiving orders. 

In the merchant portal, navigate to settings. 

Next, select locations and then select the specific location you want to make inactive. 

Under business information, you will see that Business Location Active is toggled on as the location is currently active. 

To make it inactive, and stop receiving orders immediately, click the toggle  and ensure it says “Business location inactive, then click save.

You will be able to confirm the location is now inactive by going back to the Locations list, and check to see that the status is inactive such as below. Now that the location is inactive, you will not receive any more orders to that location.

Step 2: Inform Smooth by emailing us at

Note, step 1 must be completed prior to contacting Smooth with a location closure request. The request must include the exact location name as it is in the Merchant Portal. The exact location name will be found under Internal Location Name, such as “Test Location 1” below. 

Once you have submitted your request, please allow 1-3 business days for us to complete the deactivation of the location. We will reply to the same email once this is complete. 

Note, that as long as the location is inactive you will not receive orders, however failure to notify Smooth of a closed location can impact billing to the merchant.