How do I edit my location hours?

Updating your location hours has never been easier. Here's how you can efficiently set and edit your hours.

Portal users with the role of Admin or Business admin can edit location hours.
  1. Start by going into "Settings" and click on the "Locations" page.
  2. Select the location you’d like to update hours for by clicking anywhere on the location row.
  3. Once in the location page, select the drop-down arrow in the "Hours" section to view the full module.
  4. From here, you can either choose to set an individual location hours manually or copy an existing location hours if they are the same.

  1. To select a set of hours for an individual store, click on the edit icon next to any day of the week to pull up the "Select Location Hours" module.
  2. Select the day you’d like to add hours for and enter the "Open Time" and "Close Time" by either typing it in or selecting the clock icon to adjust. The hours work on a 24-hour clock and up to the minute so you can easily manage specific hours. 
  3. You can also choose to apply "Split Hours" if a location closes and then reopens at a certain time in the same day. Make sure to hit "Save" after adjusting hours. 
  4. Once location hours have been set, you can select "Copy Location Hours to Ordering Hours" which will save time from having to manually enter in "Ordering Hours."
  5. You can edit the "Ordering Hours" by clicking on the edit icon to adjust accordingly if you would like the location to start accepting orders at a later time after open time and stop accepting orders ahead of location close time.
  6.  Be sure to hit "Save" to lock in any changes.


  1. To copy an existing location’s hours, click on "Select a Business Location to Copy Hours."
  2. Select the applicable location and scroll down to click on "Select Business" to input your selection.
  3. Next, click on "Copy Regular Hours" to apply the selected business hours.
  4. Click on the edit button if you wish to edit any particular day and adjust accordingly. Make sure to hit "Save" to lock in any changes.

  1. You can also set "Special Hours" if the location has a particular day where hours are different or is closed due to special circumstances like holidays.
  2. Enter the "Start Date" and "End Date" and hit "Save" if the location is closed.
  3. De-select "Location is Closed" if the location has a specific set of hours for the particular day and set the applicable hours. 
  4. De-select "Order Ahead Hours" and set the specific ordering hours. Select "Save" to implement your changes.