How Do I Create Options, Sub-Options, Items And Sub-Items?

Options, also known as customizations, can be associated with any new or existing products once created. Options may overlap between multiple products, such as “Choose your Salad Dressing.” Products are not required to have options.

In the sidebar, click “Menu Management,” then “Options.” 

Click “Create an Option.” 

Include an Option Name. For example, “Extra Toppings.”

Include the Min,” which is the minimum amount that customers are able to order. Add “zero” if customers aren’t required to select extra toppings. 

Include the Max,” which is the maximum amount that customers are able to order. For example, the maximum amount could be five. 

Set the “Included” amount for this option. This is the amount that’s included for free. Once the customer goes over this amount, they are required to pay the option price. For example, the “included” amount could be two, but the maximum amount is five. If the customer selects five extra toppings, they would be required to pay for the three that are not included. 

Adjust the toggle if you would like the option to be “Active,” which means this will be visible to customers on your app or web ordering. 

You must add an item or sub-option to your newly created option. An example of an item is  "Mushrooms". An example of a sub-option is "Veggie Toppings".

If you have multiple sub-options that fall under this option, follow the steps below for adding a sub-option and item. 

If your items are not split up between different sub-options, follow the steps for adding an item below.  


Add a Sub-Option

Click “Add a Sub-Option.” 

Include the Sub-Option Name.” For example, “Cheese,” “Meat” or “Veggies.”  

Adjust the toggle if you would like the option to be “Active,” which means this will be visible to customers on your app or web ordering. 

You’ll need to create items that customers can select from your sub-option. Follow the steps below. 


Add an Item

Click “Add an Item.”

Add a name. For example, “Mozzarella,” “Cheddar” or “Goat Cheese.”

Add a photo from your media library by clicking the “plus” icon (optional).

Set the “Quantity Max.” For example, five could be the maximum amount of extra toppings a customer can select. 

Set the “Count As.” This is how many this item is “counted as” towards the maximum. For example, if it’s a premium item, it may “count as” two towards the maximum amount of five toppings. 

Enable the item as “Active” so it appears on your app or web ordering. 

If you want the item to appear on your ordering platform but to be temporarily unavailable so customers can’t order it, click the three vertical dots and select “Make Unavailable.” 

When you want the item to be available for ordering, you will need to click on the three vertical dots again and then “Make Available.” 

To add a description, click the three vertical dots, then “Add Item Description.” 

If you need to re-position your items, click the arrow with the lines beside the “Items” title. When you hover over an item, you’ll see crossed arrows so you can drag the items to the desired order. 


Create Sub-Item(s) (if required)

Click the “plus” icon under “Add Sub-Item.” 

Add a Name. For example, if you are creating a pizza and the item you are creating sub-items for is “mozzarella,” these sub items could be “right side,” “whole pizza” and “left side.”

Set the “Quantity Max” (note: If you have a sub-item, this will be set on the sub-item level. If not, set this on item level).

Set “Count As” (note: If you have a sub-item, this will be set on the sub-item level. If not, set this on item level).

Enable the product as “Active” so it appears on your app or web ordering. 

Ensure to save your changes.


Check out this video tutorial: