How Do I Create A Subcategory?

You can create a subcategory while you’re creating your category or you can edit an existing category to add your subcategory. 

In the sidebar, click “Menu Management,” then “Categories.” 

If you’ve already created a category and you want to add a subcategory, click on the category you’d like to edit. 

Click “Add a Subcategory.” 

You can create several subcategories depending on how your menu is organized. For example, under “Pizzas,” you could include “Traditional” and “Speciality.” 

Include the subcategory name. 

Include the position this subcategory will be under in the main category. For example, if the position is one, this subcategory will be first in the list. Each subcategory position must be unique (you can’t list two subcategories as “position one” as this will cause issues when your ordering platform is loading your menu). 

If you want this subcategory to be active on your mobile app or web ordering, ensure “activate” is toggled on. If the subcategory is not active, active products assigned to this category will not show up on your ordering platform. 

Set the availability to “All Day” or select a specific time period by adjusting the toggle. 

To remove a subcategory, click “Remove.” 

Click “Save” when you’re done creating your category and subcategories.