Step-by-step instructions on how to create a service fee in the Smooth Merchant Portal. By following these steps, users can easily implement a service fee, configure its type, percentage, and apply it to specific order types and locations.
A service fee is an extra charge added to the customer's subtotal as a payment for receiving service. Users with an Admin Role can easily set up and manage this fee through the Merchant Portal.
- Login to the Smooth Merchant Portal.
- On the left side of the screen, click "Settings"
4. Click "Create New Fee"
7. Enter in the percentage you would like applied to the subtotal of the customer's order. This value will become the base service fee applied to all orders unless further configurations are made. "Fee is Taxable", will be selected by default. If you do not want the fee to be taxable, deselect the checkbox.
8. Select the order type the service fee will apply to.
10. Minimum Service Fee: This will allow you to charge a minimum dollar value regardless of the percentage you have already entered. For example, if you select a 10% service fee, but want the minimum dollar value to always be $5, then the below "Minimum Service Fee" will override the percentage and always apply the higher of 10% or $5. If you do not want to implement a minimum fee, then simply do not toggle it on.
11. Maximum Service Fee: This will allow you to charge a maximum dollar value regardless of the percentage you have already entered. For example, if you select a 10% service fee, but want the maximum dollar value to never be more than $5, then the below "Maximum Service Fee" will override the percentage and always apply no more than $5. If you do not want to implement a maximum fee, then simply do not toggle it on.
12. Service Fee Threshold: You can also configure the service fee to have a specific percentage applied once a subtotal reaches a specific value. Enter in the subtotal below, followed by the applicable service fee. If the subtotal is reached, this configuration will override any other service fee setting. It is important to note that the minimum and maximum service fee will take precedence over any service fee threshold settings.
16. If there are any locations that need a different configuration, you can utilize this "Location Overrides" section.
If you prefer to set a service fee at a fixed dollar amount, follow these steps again but instead choose “Fixed Dollar Amount”. Note, there are no minimum and maximum options for this configuration.