How Do I Create a Segment?

A segment is a group of users that are categorized together based on shared common characteristics. An example of a segment is grouping together users that have purchased a specific product.

To create a segment, click "Engagement" then "Segments."

Click "Create Segment," which opens the first level of filtering capabilities. Name your new segment and choose whether you want to target all or some of your users. If you leave the toggle set to "All Users," your segment will not be filtered by users' geographic location. If you toggle off "All Users," the geographic segmentation tools will appear.

You can now segment your users by four different criteria. These criteria will be tied to the zone you create using the map:

  1. Users last located inside this zone
  2. Users last located outside this zone
  3. Users with a delivery address in this zone
  4. Users with a delivery address outside this zone

You’ll then use one of the shape tools to draw your desired zone on the map.

Click "Next." This will take you to the filter criteria tools, which allow you to be more granular with your segment by creating user Groups based on Rules. There is an unlimited amount of additional filter criteria you can add to your segment using this tool. You can also choose locations you’d like to target by adjusting the toggle and selecting locations from the drop-down. Or, adjust the toggle to select “All Locations.” 

Click "Next" to take you to the final screen, which gives you a visual preview of the segment you've created. You can review the filter criteria and locations targeted in your segment. If you want to make adjustments to your filter criteria, click "Back."

If you're satisfied with the segment you've created, click "Next" to take you to the email sync page, where you can merge the new user segment you've created into your pre-existing marketing management software. We’re currently integrated with industry-leading email provider MailChimp. You can also select “Do Not Sync” if you just want to use this segment within the Portal. 

You will be able to use your segment in the Portal once it’s done being generated. The segment takes 5-10 minutes to generate.


Check out this tutorial video: