How can I offer a free delivery promo?

Increase your delivery sales by running a free delivery promo for one location or all your locations.


1. In the sidebar, go into SETTINGS then LOCATIONS.

2. Click on the applicable location.

3. Go into DELIVERY ZONES and click on the pencil icon to edit the zone.

4. Under 'Delivery Fee for this Zone', enter a '0' value to ensure users are not charged for delivery. Do this for every location participating in the free delivery promo. 



Offer free delivery or a discounted delivery fee when users place a specific order amount:

  1. Within the same EDIT DELIVERY ZONE page, enter the applicable amount under 'Discounted Delivery Threshold. This will ensure that users must place this $ amount in order to qualify for free delivery.
  2. Under 'Discounted Delivery Fee' enter '0' to enable free delivery for orders placed for the Discounted Delivery Threshold amount you've set.
  3. You can also choose to enter a discounted delivery fee amount less than your normal delivery fee if you wish to offer a discounted delivery fee for the specified discount delivery threshold amount. 
  4. Be sure to SAVE YOUR CHANGES

You can promote this exciting free delivery/discounted delivery promo via an app feed marketing card, email marketing blasts and through your social media channels to entice your users to order for delivery. Once the promotion is over, you must manually enter the delivery fee again per location. 

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