Creating and Editing Precise Delivery Zones 🚚

Admin users can now define the delivery area with precise measurements, ensuring more accurate service coverage.


  1. Navigating to Locations

    • Go to the left side panel of the merchant portal.

    • Select Settings and then Locations.

    • Choose the specific location for creating a delivery zone.

  2. Creating a Delivery Zone

    • Scroll to the bottom of the selected location page.

    • Locate the section titled Delivery Zones and click the downward facing arrow.

    • Select Create New to start creating a new delivery zone.

  3. Setting the Delivery Radius

    • Create a circle for the delivery zone.

    • A delivery radius in meters box will appear after creating the circle.

    • Enter the desired radius in meters instead of adjusting the circle.

  4. Editing the Radius

    • When editing the radius, you can only remove the first two characters using the backspace.

    • Edit the first character by highlighting it and changing it on your keyboard.

  5. Saving Changes

    • After setting or editing the delivery zone radius, select Save to apply the changes.

    • To edit the delivery zone radius again, locate the specific delivery zone, select the pencil icon for editing.

  6. Conclusion

    • The enhanced feature allows for precise delivery radius adjustments in meters for efficient delivery zone management.

    Check out our video below for a step by step guide.